Tag: support

Syringomyelia, Thankful and Giving

Syringomyelia, Thanksgiving - SyrinGoWhat.comWith Syringomyelia, sometimes it’s hard to find the things that I’m thankful for when I get overwhelmed by pain, discomfort or inconsistences in health.  However, many times it doesn’t take much for me to find plenty to be thankful for.  Mostly it begins each morning and continues throughout the day when I take the time to reflect, it makes it easier to notice my blessings.  There really are so many in this world that have it much worse than I do… just watch the news.

I am thankful for (In no specific order except the first 3):

  • A loving and loyal God
  • The love and patience of an amazing wife and daughter
  • My family and friends
  • Crab legs and orange sherbet
  • Each day I wake up
  • A home, food, transportation, a jobSyringomyelia, Thanksgiving Practice - SyrinGoWhat.com
  • Oceans and beaches
  • My cats and their silliness
  • Giblets are not as gross as they sound
  • Walking and functioning while I can
  • My Syringomyelia could be much worse but isn’t
  • There is support for Syringomyelia
  • DVR’s so that I can avoid watching commercials
  • My freedoms as a US Citizen
  • 2nd Amendment… pew pew
  • Ability to give back to the community
  • There are only 2 terms for a president
  • Laughter
  • Natural herbs and stuff to help with my Syringomyelia
  • Good poop days and Lysol
  • The internet – plethora of information
  • And much much more…

Syringomyelia, Thanksgiving Butterball - SyrinGoWhat.comHonestly I could go on and on about what I am thankful for but I a love giving even more.  Being able to make people laugh with my comedy, provide comfort in my writing, helping charities with promotions and more.  OK, I like to give my wife and daughter a hard time too but don’t tell them that, because I like to keep them on their toes.  🙂

Yes it is still hard at times to see past the limitations of this body of mine but I do and will look past it every day.  I challenge everyone to thank of two things you are thankful for any challenge that is in your life.  Give a little of your time to help others and it you might just end up being thankful for even more.

Have a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Please feel free to send me your thoughts or more resource links using my contact page.   Peace, Love, Pancakes… — Michael Doc Davis (SyrinGoWhat.com), fellow Syringomyelian

Syringomyelia Caregiver Quick-Tip Pocket Guide from wstfcure.org

Here is a great Caregiver Quick-Tip Pocket Guide from WORLDWIDE SYRINGOMYELIA & CHIARI TASK FORCE INC.  This organization is a wonderful group of people helping all of us and providing ways for us to connect to each other.  They are the first organization in the United States led by nurses and physicians to stand behind Syringomyelia as a disease!  There are lots of other materials such as this on their website — http://www.wstfcure.org.

Here is a great Caregiver Quick-Tip Pocket Guide from WORLDWIDE SYRINGOMYELIA & CHIARI TASK FORCE INC.