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This experiment was for my own personal interest, hope for relief and a possible alternative to prescription meds in relation to my Syringomyelia.
Below you will find my daily log of observations for 14 days as it pertains to my physical and emotional wellbeing ending with my wife’s observations and my conclusion (product name and link where I bought it).
I entered into this with a very strong disbelief and skepticism due to so many ‘promises’ and doctors missing the mark on helping me deal with my Syringomyelia.
These are my results and I am not suggesting anyone try the same path without consulting with your doctor first or at least research on your own and start out with low doses as I did. Not everyone will have the exact same results.
Day 1 – I received the CBD Oil (Tube / Gel Form) at a high 43.5% potency late in the evening for my Syringomyelia. Prior to taking this first dose, I was considerably fatigued, achy, painful back, and weak legs from a long work day. I’m starting out with a low dose of about 1 or 2 mg that is placed under mytongue, twice a day. I took my first dose at 7PM and at this point, nothing really feels different but likely won’t until in the morning. I will take a second dose tomorrow. This tastes horrible but tolerable.
Day 2 – I woke up this morning a bit sick but I highly doubt it was related to the CBD. I noticed something interesting when I got out of bed for work. My legs and knee don’t hurt which they normally do and have for a long time. I took my second dose this morning and have continued without leg and knee pain all day. We will see if this actually begins helping my back. My third dose will be tonight. I’m still very skeptical.
Day 3 – It’s day three and I haven’t noticed a lot of big physical differences / improvements but I’ve also been a bit under the weather that’s unrelated to Syringomyelia. I’ve still noticed that my knee and legs don’t seem to hurt but I’ve been resting because of the previously mentioned illness. I believe I may feel a little less stressed and tense. Tonight will be dose five, so I’ll stay positive but likely remain skeptical.
Day 4 – Well here we are and I still seem to have pain relief in my legs and knee and I have a little bit more control in them as well. The less stress and anxiety is also a relief that is VERY welcomed and is helping. Since I’m not noticing any notable back relief quite yet, starting on day five, I will be upping my dosage to about 5mg. I was going to wait but the dosage range is 1 to 50mg and I started on the low range first.
Day 5 – Today I woke to something quite unusual. For a brief moment, I actually had full feeling in my legs for the first time in over 10 years. It was very brief but it almost brought me to tears. I still have no pain in my knee either. I seem to have a little more strength in my legs as well. The bad news is that I felt like I could push myself and strained a little and this caused my legs to become weak again, lesson learned. This CBD oil isn’t a magic bullet but it seems to be possible relief. I will continue tomorrow at the higher dose of 5mg twice a day.
Day 6 – There seems to be a bit of a difference noticed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not out of pain but I seem to be getting more comfortable. Tension headaches seems to be far less and / or manageable. Back pain is still present and the feeling in my feet has semi-returned and now I realize that my toe hurts… now that I can feel it.
Day 7 – I’m at 5mg still with the same minor differences noticed. Some sensitivities where once numb or limited have returned and made things more enjoyable. I may increase the dosage by a couple more mg twice a day to determine if any more improvements will be noticeable. I’ve decreased my gabapentin from 2 pills to 1 pill a day, nearly no ibuprofen and no pain pills. I’m not sure if this may be counter productive. However, hip and upper leg pain is much less.
Day 8 – Well, I have to admit, the intimacy with my wife is becoming more enjoyable from a mobility and sensitivity perspective. I know that this is likely TMI, but intimacy is a key bonding function for partners. For the partner, they can enjoy something other than just taking care of you. For the person with Syringomyelia, it allows for a moment of being normal and enjoy their partner. I’ve increased the mg to 7mg’ish twice a day.
Day 9 – This weekend, I’m planning for some outings with my family and to do some physically intense activities as well. This will be the real test to see if there is any real difference. I have noticed that since I’ve been taking the CBD oil, if I hurt, the recovery time seems shorter. I definitely no longer have the pain in my knee nor the numbness under it. Tomorrow and Sunday will be the big days.
Day 10 – Today was a personal victory for me. It’s been a long road these past few months of setbacks. Today I spent time with my family on some light to medium hiking trails including rocky inclines and caves. The last week or so have been a nice change. There are many things I’ve been changing but one stands out more than others and I have to admit, it’s this CBD. I’ve increased my dosage to about 5mg 3 times a day instead of 7mg 2 times a day. It’s still VERY hard for me to believe.
Day 11 – I accomplished 2 very important personal challenges plus a bonus this weekend. I hiked / explored with my family and push mowed my entire 3/4 acre lawn. The bonus was that I’ve walked about 15 miles or 30,000 steps. 25,000 steps today alone. Not bad for someone that couldn’t walk more than a couple miles a day over the past several months because of my Syringomyelia. Thank you God, I believe!
Day 12 – Although my body was a little sore today, I was quite able to function. The last time with the level of activity like this past weekend, it would have taken a couple of weeks to fully recover. My hip was killing me yesterday and today but it wasn’t related to Syringomyelia. I’m already nearly back to my ‘normal’. Legs are good, back is better, I can feel my feet and my spirits are up. On top of this my wife and I have enjoyed more and more time together as a couple and like a couple plus more intimacy. I’m so glad she is patient with me. This experiment seems to be going well regardless of my remaining skepticism.
Day 13 – Today there is not a lot of differences from yesterday. However, yesterday was a very good day compared to several weeks ago. Anxiety is lower, stabbing pains are gone, hip pain from the weekend activity is nearly gone, no head aches, increased feeling in my feet and more. If this continues with the fact I’m only down to 1 gabapentin, no prescription pain pills and minimal ibuprofen…. I may just think this CBD oil has some real possibilities. Tomorrow will be the final day of my experiment.
Day 14 – This morning, I realized that I’ve been waking up in the mornings much more refreshed and ready to meet the day. I haven’t had to take sleep aids very often anymore which is exciting. Today I’ve experienced far less pain and any pain that I have felt doesn’t really stick around long. I have continued sensation in normally numb or near numb legs, stomach areas and chest. These last several days have been a very welcomed relief from the feeling of a downward spiral to disability. What a great ending to this 14 day CBD experiment. I will continue to use this CBD.
Wife’s Observations – Since using this CBD oil, my husband seems happier and far more chipper. He’s been getting up early in the mornings and sleeping through the nights where previously he was up and down quite a lot. He also doesn’t seem exhausted before bedtime, we watch more ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ and cuddle time is EXCITING just like it used to be! You would almost think that we were honeymooners again with all of the physical activities, wink wink. He is more active after work and doesn’t have to immediately rest trying to recover from long work days. He is once again able to enjoy activities with my daughter and I. Don’t get me wrong, Michael has always been strong and amazing but then he started struggling more but now my daughter and I have our Michael back. I’m honestly very glad we found this CBD Oil and that Michael tried it regardless of him being so darn stubborn and skeptical.
My Conclusion – For me, CBD Oil is helping and at this point I can not deny it. I am simply amazed by the differences. My back, feet, legs, stomach, chest, man parts and other areas are doing far better than they where a few weeks ago. Heck, I’m even poop’n regularly… HA! Oh yeah, no side effects noticed like craving snack cakes and Doritos, laughing at trees, dry mouth, drowsiness, running naked after chickens, eating peoples faces off, etc.
I suggest consulting with your doctor and giving it a try might be worth your time. Again, this is NOT a magic bullet and doesn’t ‘fix’ anything but for me it’s a much better alternative to all of the other crap doctors have been prescribing me. However, in their defense, there simply isn’t a lot of knowledge on Syringomyelia.
I did several weeks reviewing companies to trust or not trust, product reviews, ratings and I finally found the product for my personal experiment. The CBD Oil I’ve been using is by iHempCBD. I purchased their gold version at 43.5%. However, I have found that Palmetto Harmony works as well if not better and is FAR more inexpensive.
Please be VERY careful ordering from any company because I ran found some companies that weren’t up to my standards. This CBD Oil does not contain THC therefore it’s available in ALL 50 states.
A big THANK YOU to my wife Christina for her support and Ty Colwell for helping put my humor to a graphic.
Philippians 4:19 ESV And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Please feel free to send me your thoughts or more resource links using my contact page. Peace, Love, Pancakes… — Michael Doc Davis (SyrinGoWhat.com), fellow Syringomyelian